Anti-aging skin care regimens should be simple yet powerfully effective. I spend a lot of time educating friends and patients about anti-aging products at the Skin Care Clinic and there is a lot to cover, so here it is in it’s simplest form. Think of this as your “cheat sheet” of how to prevent and treat signs of aging. Below are what I like to call my “non-negotiables,” my no matter what foundational products that I use everyday. I invest in great skin care products and use them as consistently as possible to not only look my best today, but to look my best for the next 10 years and beyond!
#1 Sunscreen
If there is only one thing that you ever commit to for your skin, it should be sunscreen. Make sure it is a broad-spectrum sunscreen and apply it to your face AND neck and chest every day rain or shine. {Helpful hint! Apply sunscreen to the backs of your hands to prevent dark spots and wrinkling. Hands are a dead giveaway of how old you really are…not that you would ever lie about that.}
#2 Eye Cream
A MUST. Just say NO to crows feet. Keep in mind that not all eye creams are created equal, you want one with clinically proven results. My two personal favorites are Refresh, by Dr. John Diaz Skin Care and Elastiderm, by Obagi (the one in the jar not the pump).
#3 Medical Grade Retinol OR Prescription Tretinoin*
(* brand names Retin-A, Atralin, Renova, Avita, Altinac)
If you want to prevent wrinkles and diminish lines that you already have these products will be your new best friends. Medical grade Retinol or Tretinoin helps keep your skin in peak condition by increasing cell turnover (regular exfoliation) and by stimulating collagen growth (increases volume). It also improves skin tone, makes pores less visible and improves discoloration. AND! It keeps your skin acne-free. My two favorites are Stimulate (0.5% medical grade retinol complex) by Dr. John Diaz Skin Care and Reverse (0.025% prescription tretinoin) by Dr. John Diaz Skin Care. If you ask your doctor or dermatologist for a prescription for tretinoin ask for 0.025%. Studies have shown this percentage is the best for anti-aging concerns. {Helpful hint! Initially, you may see redness and peeling. Don’t give up! You’re new gorgeous skin is right around the corner. Typically it takes about a month for your skin to acclimate to these products.}
There are plenty of other products and treatments that will be keep you looking forever young, but like I said these are my 3 non-negotiables, the MUST DO’s, the foundation of an anti-aging skin care regimen that actually works. Incorporate these products into your daily skin care routine right now to achieve healthy, radiant, youthful looking skin. If you do nothing else but these three things you will be way ahead in the anti-aging game.
*Always consult your physician for advice. The information here is my opinion based on my personal experience.