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Anyone who has ever had an acne breakout or even one zit for that matter knows that it can make you feel like the world is ending. I started breaking out in my late teens and struggled with acne well into my twenties. I hid it well with make-up but it still made me feel terrible.

After years of research and incessant trips to top dermatologists I had a pretty good understanding of what to do to keep my skin clear. But every now and then I would still breakout!

I knew what active ingredients needed to be in the products I should be using (i.e. salicylic acid, benzoyl peroxide, tretinoin etc.) but I couldn’t find a combination of products effective enough to keep my skin clear consistently. Enter brilliant surgeon and skin care expert Dr. John Diaz. We teamed up to create an easy to follow, effective acne defense system that has kept my skin clear for two years and counting! I am a big advocate of doing whatever works and since this has radically changed my skin I wanted to share it with everyone and anyone who has ever struggled with acne.

My Daily Skin Care Regimen:


-Cleanse, Anti Acne face wash.

-Clear, benzoyl peroxide serum (I put this on my oily prone areas and T- zone).

-Protect, Anti Acne oil free sunscreen SPF 30.

-Refresh, eye cream (nothing to do with acne but is a MUST for everyone who wants wrinkle-free fresh looking eyes.)


-Cleanse, Anti Acne face wash

-Reverse, 0.025% tretinoin or Stimulate (keeps skin clear and minimizes fine lines and wrinkles!)

-Hydrate, moisturizing gel (UH-mazing ultra-light weight moisturizer that is super hydrating)

-Refresh, eye cream

Weekly & Bi-Weekly Products

-Clarify, anti-acne mask that contains sulfur. I use this mask once a week and I love it! It leaves your skin feeling refreshed and soft and not dry like other masks. It’s even easy to remove!

-Exfoliate, skin polisher. Dr. Diaz is a strong believer that exfoliating two times a week is a must for acne prone skin. I was hesitant at first but now I can’t live without Exfoliate. It contains small granules that polish the skin and remove impurities. After using this scrub your skin instantly looks brighter and feels more refreshed.

Helpful Hints!

-Cleanse, Anti-Acne face wash contains salicylic acid and can be drying. Start out using it once a day a few days a week and see how your skin responds.

-Reverse is a prescription tretinoin commonly known as Retin-A (brand-name ). Again, can be highly drying. Start slow, use once every three days only at night and give your skin time to acclimate to it.

-Stimulate is a medical grade retinol. It is stronger than retinol at the drug store so start slowly, just like with Reverse, once every three days and only at night. Slight irritation or dryness is normal, best way to combat this is to start slow and use a light moisturizer like Hydrate until your skin fully acclimates which typically takes about a month.

-Reverse and Stimulate will make your skin sun-sensitive so sunscreen is a MUST.

-I typically stick with Stimulate during the warmer months and switch to Reverse after summer.

View all of our products here:

Stay tuned for my favorite make up picks for every budget that will not hinder your clear skin efforts!

*Always consult your physician for advice. The information here is my opinion based on my personal experience.

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